亚当(本·威士肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)是一名在公立医院里行医的妇产科医生,在公立医院里,无论是医疗设备还是人员配给都要远远糟于私立医院,在这里,亚当不仅要面对无休无止的加班,还要和刁钻苛刻的病人斗智斗勇,长期都处在巨大的压力之下。但幸运的是,在医院里,亚当还是交了一些朋友,比如初出茅庐的实习医生姝娣(安比卡·茂德 Ambika Mod 饰)。
For the Goodman family, Friday Night Dinner is just like Sunday lunch: just take two days away, add an extra course and you've pretty much got it.
Adam and his brother Jonny view Friday night di...
In the second series, Adam goes on a date with a girl who smells like Mum, Jonny starts going out with a much older woman, Mum is forced out of the house by a mouse, Dad starts drying fish in the down...
Starring David Walliams in a TV version of his own book, it tells the story of 12-year-old Joe who has everything he could ever want from his billionaire father Len except for a friend. The cast in...