玛丽埃特(凯·弗朗西斯 Kay Francis 饰)是个腰缠万贯作风轻浮的漂亮寡妇,经营着一间公司。一次偶然中,她和一个名叫里瓦尔(赫伯特·马歇尔 Herbert Marshall 饰)的男人相识了。里瓦尔英俊潇洒风流倜傥,玛丽埃特很快就被他的魅力所征服,雇佣他成为了自 己的私人秘书,这正是里瓦尔所梦寐以求的。 原来,里瓦尔系化名,这个风度翩翩的男人的真实身份是一名国际大盗,他和曾经的情人莉莉(...
Vera and André are a couple who get the chance to pitch their business at a prestigious competition. Before the competition, Vera tries hypnotherapy to quit smoking, with an unexpected side effect: ...
杰森·伯恩事件引起连锁反应,踏脚石(Treadstone)计划以及CIA用药物控制强化特工的行径通过报纸公之于众,令其幕后人物坐立不安。为了阻止满盘皆输的局面出现,CIA高层决定中止该计划,并将相关特工人员以及科学家从行动中抹杀。在此后的日子里,那些深藏在国家政治最底层、依靠蓝绿药丸执行各种绝密任务的特工相继殒命,而负责染脏双手的执行人——前美国空军上校艾瑞克·贝尔(爱德华·诺顿 Edward N...
Russian hints that the country could hand over America's most wanted whistle blower as a favor to Donald Trump place Edward Snowden in even greater danger than before. A secret meeting between globa...
After years of being forced to live their mother's aspirations, Amber and Sam Bradshaw are offered an opportunity to chase their own dream of becoming musicians. Upon this quest, a family tragedy st...