Cut off from home and facing an impossible mission against mounting odds, "Deep Six" is a hyper-realistic live-action portrayal of a deep space forward operating base at a pivotal moment f...
An impressive solar storm befalls the Earth causing power surges and blackouts. A deeper storm rages in the soul of Regina, a lonely spinster called 'Fräulein', after a mysterious tourist pass...
坐在轮椅上,之后的人生只能靠它代步的蒙特(摩根?弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)对人生不再抱有什么希望。曾经的知名作家因为妻子的离世而灵感不再,整日与酒为伴的蒙特让侄子对他放不下心来,于是为他找了一个僻静小镇的小木屋,让他在这里散心养生。搬到这来的蒙特起初对什么都没有的小镇很不满,终日酗酒。而隔壁奥尼尔家的三个小女孩及她们的母亲(维吉妮娅?马德森 Virginia Madsen 饰)引来...
After dealing with the repercussions of her actions from last year, DC Lisa Armstrong is given the opportunity to step up when asked to assist a murder investigation in Morecambe....
Written by the award-winning Daragh Carville, The Bay is a compelling and beautifully crafted crime story rooted in the families and communities of a distinctive coastal town. When Family Liaison Of...