In The Morning Show season three, the future of the network is thrown into question and loyalties are pushed to the brink when a tech titan takes an interest in UBA. Unexpected alliances form, priva...
A feature film composed of eight short film segments. The segments will be inspirational and empowering stories directed by a diverse and international group of women filmmakers, and will take place...
自幼憧憬惊吓专员职业的大眼仔麦克·华斯基(比利·克里斯托 Billy Crystal 配音),终于如愿考入曾走出过无数传奇人物的怪兽大学惊吓学院。对于这个相貌讨喜、丝毫没有任何恐怖气场的小怪物来说,死啃书本似乎是实现梦想的唯一途径。与之相对,系出惊吓名门的同学毛怪詹姆士·苏利文(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 配音)天生是周围同学关注的焦点,完全一副什么都无所谓的浪荡公子哥做派。倒霉的...
It was announced in April 2022 that Apple TV+ had greenlit the miniseries, which would see Idris Elba starring and executive producing. George Kay will write the series, and Jim Field Smith will dir...