年度選美盛事《2024香港小姐競選決賽》於9月15日隆重舉行,十五位候選佳麗將以最佳狀態踏上決賽舞台。除了以迷人泳裝、華麗晚裝等造型亮相,她們亦會透過才藝表演、即席答問等環節,展現美貌與智慧並重的氣質,力爭評判們支持,最終誰可戴上后冠?為配合本屆Proud To Be A Woman主題,決賽的司儀為全女班,陳貝兒、麥美恩、陳懿德、何沛珈、莊子璇擔綱主持晚會,跟觀眾一起見證2024香港小姐誕生...
Based on the real life story and incarceration of American intelligent specialist; Reality Leigh Winner, who in 2018 was convicted of 'removing classified material from a government facility and mai...
The film tells the story of 15-year-old Robin, a virtuoso piano player, and her mother Claire, who lives for her and is her biggest fan. When Robin is the victim of a serious accident, their life wi...