Inspired by Stephanie Wood’s powerful memoir Fake, this drama follows Birdie Bell (Asher Keddie), a magazine features writer who thinks she’ 、s found her perfect match when she meets successful graz...
In the four-part series, a fire tears through a holiday home in a scenic Lancashire lake town. Detective Ember Manning must work out how it connects to a podcast journalist investigating a missing per...
This is based on the novels of Holly Jackson.
Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend Sal Singh. Case closed. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it....
影片讲述了刚步入青春期的小女孩莱莉脑海中的复杂情绪进行的一场奇妙冒险。在她的大脑总部,正经历着一场突如其来的大拆迁,为意想不到的新情绪腾出空间。一直以来配合默契的情绪小伙伴乐乐(艾米·波勒 Amy Poehler 配音)、忧忧(菲利丝·史密斯 Phyllis Smith 配音)、怒怒(刘易斯·布莱克 Lewis Black 配音)、怕怕(托尼·海尔 Tony Hale 配音)和厌厌(莉萨·拉皮...
Hulu announced on Wednesday that the Letterkenny spinoff Shoresy has been renewed for a third season, ahead of Season 2’s premiere this Friday. Six new episodes will shoot in Sudbury this fall....