印度青年刚戈里在火车上捧读一本果戈理的小说,同行的老人建议他出国闯荡,这时火车却发生了事故……大难不死的刚戈里远赴美国求学,后经家人撮合,与美丽的印度姑娘阿什玛(Tabu 饰)喜结良缘,两人遂前往美国生活,然而阿什玛时常为思乡情困扰,刚戈里有感自己的二次生命来自果戈理,于是用这位俄国文豪命名自己的第一个孩子。时光荏苒,果戈理(Kal Penn 饰)成长为健壮的青年,对父亲给自己取名的动机,年青...
Family is complicated, no question. But Jan finds it particularly hard his lesbian mother Victoria asks him to become a sperm donor for the common desire child with partner Rosalie. Jan would be fathe...
An amiable picture about entering adulthood, great dreams, and the first - forbidden - love of a white postman, Jakub, and a pretty Gypsy girl, Jolanka. This is a poetic story, a mosaic of the playful...