When Max, a down on his luck strip club owner, has his life and livelihood threatened by local gangsters, he turns to his wife's connections for help and hires a hitman to solve the problem once a...
A stranger breaks into the house of a couple, ties up the husband and, having a whole weekend at his hand, plays a slow game with the woman, a game of threats, fear, obedience - and intimacy....
Set in the village areas of Wayanad, Malappuram and Kannur, Kappela revolves around an ordinary, innocent girl who es to Kozhikode city from a high range area called Poovarmala....
故事发生在第一次世界大战期间,英国联军和德军之间的战况日渐白热化,每天都有无数的士兵们含恨死去,年仅十六岁的莎士比亚(杰米·贝尔 Jamie Bell 饰)亦参与了这场战争,战场上伤痕累累的惨状给他的心灵蒙上了厚厚的阴影。 某日,莎士比亚和一干战友们正在进行一项突袭任务,就在大家凝神鼻息偷偷前进之时,一股不知从何而来的神秘烟雾将他们包围。之后,一行人来到了德军的...