In this stop-motion holiday special, Mickey, Minnie and their pals attempt to celebrate the perfect Christmas at their snowy cabin. However, when Pluto causes Santa to lose all the presents on his s...
塞巴斯蒂安(马古斯·克罗杰尔 Markus Krojer 饰)是一个单纯的11岁男孩,自出生起就失去了母亲的他和父亲洛伦茨(弗里茨·卡尔 Fritz Karl 饰)以及哥哥弗朗茨(Franz Xaver Brückner 饰)过着相依为命的生活,一家三口经营着一家小小的酒馆,生活里虽然缺少了母亲的照料和陪伴,但日子已经过的十分平静自足。 一天,塞巴斯蒂安因为自己的过失而导致了家里宠物兔子的死...
Wyatt, a cynical narcoleptic who lives in a flop house-like apartment, wants to be a journalist. His career dreams are nearly dashed when he notices a mysterious girl named Fern living on his block in...